Monday, May 20, 2013

Blog 25 Mentorship

Rich Roth (626)
    Real work experience and hands on training with bikes and working with customers to assisting them in whteber they needed. At first, I saw this as something to not look foward too but then I relaized how detremental it was that I worked on my customer service skills.
    It has helped me answer my EQ because thanks to Rich I was able to interview so many people who work at and are regulars at Covina Valley and find out what makes the shop so great that they keep coming back to it.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Blog 24: exit interview questions.

(1) What is your essential question?  What is the best answer to your question and why?
What is the best way to sustain a profitable bike shop?
My best answer is having an updated business plan for your shop. If your shop has no goals to accomplish you won't have a plan to get there. Without a plan you become unorganized and the shop will reflect that. 
(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
My mentorship gave me a lot of first hand witnessing of what a shop has to deal with and how bad it can get when you are unorganized. Then when I took an online sailor class it showed me how important organization really is. 
(3) What problems did you face?  How did you resolve them?
I had a lot of problems finding relevant research and applying them to my topic. As I started to get better at actually researching, I was able to take advantage of the cal polys libraries databases.
(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why? and my mentor Rich Roth
(5) What is your product and why?
Economic knowledge. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Blog 23: 2014 interview

1.  Who did you interview and what house are they in?
Madisyn Delgado, East House

2.  What ideas do you have for your senior project and why?

Madisyn had the idea that maybe she could find a mentor in animation. She says it has always been a big interest of hers and would love to be able to focus on that during the year. Another idea She was thinking about for her project topic would be studying the Culinary arts. She say's that thanks to previous knowledge from Would help her learn from her possible mentor much smoother. She even thought of the type of foo she would like to pursure individually and when I asked her what about the culinary arts she said that she wanted to bee better at making delicious Chinese food 

3.  What do you plan to do for your summer 10 hour mentorship experience?
FOr her mentorship, Madisyn has an aunt that is a chef in a restaraunt and
or possibly a cooking camp.  What do you hope to see or expect to see in watching the 2013 2-hour presentations?

5.  What questions do you have that I can answer about senior year or senior project (or what additional information did you tell them about senior year or senior project)?
All she really wanted to know is how to do not fall behind and i just told her to make sure you are upt to date with what is due.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Blog 21: Independent Component 2

I, Alex Madrigal, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
Provide a digital spreadsheet (aka log of the 30 hours) here you go
I took an online elective teaching about me about what it takes to run a small business ad the economics that go into it.  
Different Articles:

Notes: Notes

For this elective I was required to take notes on 5 units worth of lessons and then apply them to my project which is specifically a bike shop. With this new knowledge in economics and business I can be more qualified to run a bike shop of my own if I were to ever start one.

Within my research done in this class I found that with certain things i was never aware of, such as the necessity of entrepreneurs to our society and economy. Without competition, our products would never advance or improve and we would stand still with the products of today.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

blog 19: Senior Project and ESLRs

1.  What ESLR have you excelled in most in your senior project?
     I would say that out of all of the ESLRs I excelled most in being an effective user of technology.
2.  Please explain why you think you have excelled in this ESLR.
      By learning how to effectively use the Cal Poly library and database I took advantage of the technology that allows me to seek ot better quality research easier..
3.  Provide evidence from your senior project to support your claim (evidence is a photo of something you are doing, photo of something you made, etc).
My Working bibliography has gotten better as I found more research.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Blog 18: 2-Hour Meeting Answer #3

1.  What is the best way to sustain a profitable bike shop?
2.  My third answer to my essential question is having a good economic background.
3.  "Even after working in a bike shop for nine years, I still learned more in that one hour than I have in those nine years."
You can have a good mechanical background but if you have no idea how to even form a business plan you have no hope to make money. Running a bike shop takes more than simply selling a bike and changing a tube once a month. it takes knowledge of supply and demand and how to advertise and where to build your bike shop.
4. Jeremy Smith the owner of a new profitable bike shop.
5.  I plan to study more economics that include small businesses.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blog 11 Mentorship hours

1.   Covina Valley Cyclery
2.   Rich Roth(owner of the bike shop)
3.  15 
4.  Maintaining the bikes by making sure all the bikes on the floor have each tired filled with air and clean. Helping with repairs that come in so that Rich or someone more experienced can focus on a more difficult problem bike.